Monday, August 11, 2014

The top 10 things that a mother can teach your child

In modern times, a great number of tips for self-improvement and self-help books, we seem to have forgotten the most basic things in life. Basic - those who for centuries mothers and fathers to their children repeat.

These things are passed down from generation to generation. They carried a favor and make sense. Moreover, many of them are based on science. So perhaps it's time to turn off their smartphones and tablets to try and get information the old fashioned way, from our mothers and fathers.

Here are a few pearls of traditional worldly wisdom.

Rules of life

Do as long as is not completed before the end of

The truth of life lies in the fact that those of us who always gets the follow through, do well in many areas of life. We often hear these questions from the children and not only: "How much do I need to do this?", "How long will I have more to learn this?", "How long do I still have to clean your room?" etc.

The best answer to these questions is: "So long as it's done." It may be one hour, that can be 10 hours. But the end is coming, and then only when the job is done.

It turns out that persistence really matters. So do everything possible to finish the job. And when at some point you might think that everything no longer can, stop for a minute, think well, and take another attempt to finish the job.

Malcolm Gladwell (Malcolm Gladwell) in his book "Geniuses and outsiders" very lucidly reveals an approach to life. In one chapter he talks about why some people are given math better than others.

As a result, he came to what it's all about our attitude towards mathematics. It is not surprising that those who give up and say, "I can not do it. I need someone to show how it's done," achieve much lower results compared with those who say: "As long as I do not obtained. necessary to try a different approach. "

Gladwell develops this theme, describing the test TIMSS, which is held every four years and in which an international group of teachers testing mathematical abilities of schoolchildren around the world.

Before delivery of the test the students fill out a questionnaire containing all sorts of questions concerning, for example, the level of education of their parents, the identity of their friends, etc.

It's tedious, but required profile. As there are so many questions that many students do not have the patience, and 10 - 20 questions are often unanswered. The average number of responses varies from country to country.

But the interesting fact that the number of questions that were answered, clearly correlates with the number of correct responses during testing. In other words, those who persisted and still answered all the questions, that is much better coped with testing.

One conclusion - if you are doing things as long as they are not done, you will not only pass the exam well in mathematics, but also succeed in life.

Nice to be important, but more important to be nice

Being a good worthless. Not be good is expensive. There are many different interpretations of the council, but it usually boils down to respect for people.

Again, the rhythm of modern life, we are so passionate about the endless chores that often simply "forget to be good." For the people of the previous generation, it sounds crazy, but it's a harsh reality for many of us today.

Unconsciously, we pass the same vision of the world to our children, and then wonder how much around violence.

Why are we surprised at this? Apparently, people have forgotten how important it is to be good, and this applies to absolutely every sphere of life. School systems and other organizations, especially in European countries today are required to have a "code of conduct" and "behavior policy against bullying."

From all this come from? Forgetting to be good, we thus poison the psychological space around them.

Particularly clear trend can be seen in American and European schools. One study of American experts showed that about 60 percent of students suffer the bullying by their peers.

However, in the same study, teachers who work with these children, spoke only about 16 per cent, "the frightened disciples." This is a serious discrepancy in the figures suggests that teachers do not know much about what's really going on.

Another interesting statistics is that every 7 seconds in the world intimidated child, with highlights that up to 30 percent of school-age children are involved in bullying or become victims of bullies.

Moreover, according to all the same survey, 60 percent of those children who are in grades 6-9 engaged in similar activities, to 24 years had at least one previous conviction.

What's going on? We forget to be good. We are so passionate about and looking for the order to be relevant, popular and ahead of all that cease to be good.

And this "forgetfulness" has long-term negative consequences for all parties involved.

Terms of healthy life

Education - it is a burden, and the force

Often, success in school predict success in life. The more you know, the farther it goes. The higher the level of our self, the better we educate our children, and society, the more possibilities open to us.

When you are still a child and looking out the window of his class on the street, you feel that the school and education - is an unbearable burden. However, as practice shows, your performance in school often shows how you will succeed in life.

The more you learn, the better are your intellectual abilities. Studies have shown that people with higher IQ, work on the more prestigious jobs, earn more money, and even happier and healthier.

Thus, despite the fact that in front of our eyes, there are examples of famous and successful people who are not really doing well in schools and universities, they are the exception rather than the rule.

In the case with the rest of the overwhelming majority of people, if you persevere, constantly evolve and learn new knowledge, then your life will be successful and happy, because education - it's not a burden, this is the way to success.

Do not go anywhere without a good book

Numerous studies have shown that people who read a lot, have a rich vocabulary and a better show themselves in solving cognitive tasks.

A pioneer in the study of the impact of reading on the person is Todd Risley (Todd Risley). He and his colleagues came to the conclusion that the use of more words in the speech, as well as regular reading has a huge impact on the success of the life of man.

You never know when you'll have to get stuck in line at the bank, in a clinic or in a traffic jam (this is quite normal because of today's multi-tasking), so try to use their time in their own interest.

Terms of happy life

Do not look for love at parties, better go to the library

Perhaps this is not the advice that you have ever heard from his mother, but in fact it takes place in the most unexpected places, with relevant not only for book lovers.

Earlier in the western world, as well as in some modern non-Western cultures, the institution of marriage treated very strictly, people create family only with those who took their family, and to those who conform to their social status.

Create family couples came from similar cultures and had similar value systems. And you know what? In most cases, the institution of marriage has worked.

And now with all the new-fangled notions of romance and freedom, and with appropriate choices that follow from this, we find ourselves in today's world of complex and cosmopolitan marriages, which can hardly be called traditional.

Thus, we have the freedom of choice, and people no longer have to do what dictates the culture, society or religion. For the most part it was good, but there is a BUT.

In this advanced modern system there is a problem. We have gone so far as to have forgotten that this system of values​​. And this is the trouble.

One of the ways to deal with this new system full of free choice, surprises and different ways of thinking - a search for people with similar interests and values. So look for a partner, where you will be interesting, whether it's tennis club, church, library, or gym.

The main rules of life

The right attitude to the problems of

The way we interpret the problem affects the way we had to understand. This advice will be useful, including parents and teachers, who are tired of hearing about all the little things happened, wrongful accusations and misdeeds committed by their kids.

Of course, be sure to speak to children, and they need the closest person who will listen to them. They need to know what they think and what matters. However, the point is that how we see the problem, depends our future actions.

When people are faced with serious adversity or challenges, some very much focused on them and see them as "something that I can not accept or overcome," while others refer to them as "the mountain, through which I have to go."

Therefore, the first and live the rest of life, endlessly digging into the problem, and the latter get out of a difficult situation and open a new chapter in his life.

This does not mean that the ongoing difficulties or injuries do not matter. Horrible and painful things happen every day, you need to talk about them and live them.

However, keep in mind that how you write the story of his life, would be to dictate the content of each subsequent chapter.

In other words, if we are constantly thinking about what happened trouble, it is not functional and destructive. We can not grow, we are stuck in the mire of the problem, because our brain tells us that "it is a serious shock," and we appropriately respond to it.

Therefore, in most cases, our attitude to the problem makes the situation unbearable, and not the problem itself. Keep it simple.

Do not argue with drunks and fools

This makes no sense. You can talk to issue a correct arguments, balanced and reasonable. You can even win an argument! But what's the difference if a person is stupid or drunk?

People with very little intellectual potential (whether this is due to the amount of alcohol consumed or it's just such a lack of it) does not understand you and can hardly remember your golden nuggets of truth.

So do not waste your time on him. It is better to read a good book instead.

Golden rules of life

respect yourself

Each of us have heard about the boundaries and how to set them for the kids. Setting rules and boundaries is useful for a variety of reasons, when you are working with young children, but they are just as important for the parents.

In the 1960s, psychologist Diana Baumrind (Diana Baumrind) conducted several studies on the styles of parenting children. She came to the conclusion that there are three types of education: authoritarian, authoritative, and liberal.

In 1983, was added 4 type - indifferent (permissive).

Years of experience has shown that children raised by authoritative type, show the best academic results, they are more socially developed and emotionally stable.

This type of education presupposes the existence of certain rules and guidelines that you should follow the child, but often parents are too soft and pliable to the vagaries of his child.

According to an authoritative type of the children know what is expected of them and what will happen if they do not match, but it also promotes education in the child compassion, flexibility and respect.

Thus, there is a symbiosis of respect for the parents to their children and respect their parents their needs. So the child learns to act in accordance with the established rules, to respect other people and rules.

Children of authoritative parents are aware that there are generally accepted standards, and most likely, they are easily in their adult lives will be guided in friendship, romantic relationships and work colleagues to see that these rules are broken.

Eat vegetables

Good nutrition not only heals the person, it makes it smarter! We all know that from our diet depends including our weight, but why is it vegetables? Fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains and lean meats - is the cornerstone.

But what are the benefits we gain by eating in such a scheme? Quality and healthy food - it's not just a thin waist and physical health. It is also a brain health.

It stimulates intellectual development in such a way that is simply not subject to our "fast-thoracic" lifestyle. One of the studies conducted by cardiologist Arthur Agatsonom (Arthur Agatson) for two years showed that the improvement of the nutritional quality of the food is really affected the academic achievement of pupils, their weight decreased, and blood pressure normalized.

Do not go there, where you can go on foot

Everyone knows that it is necessary to move more, but that does not mean that it is time to run for a gym membership.

There are plenty of ways that you can effectively work to load your body. Among them, and walking instead of driving behind the wheel. This category does not include the use of elevators.

However, is there any evidence showing the relationship between the time of our physical activity and general health indicators? WHO urges all adults aged 18 to 64 years to give yourself moderate exercise for at least two and a half hours per week, or train hard for one hour and 15 minutes per week.

More often and more actively you exercise, the healthier and get the lower the risk of cancer and diabetes. Moreover, people involved in sports, live 3-7 years longer than those who do not.

Of course, you should not believe everything you hear or read, but still for the most part what we were taught by our parents, in fact, true.

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