Saturday, December 12, 2015

Nirya Bganot - stewardess. Bganot was a senior steward on the flight «PA 73". When the plane took off from Mumbai at 5 am landing in the Pakistani city of Karachi, four well-armed terrorists stormed the plane and took hostage the passengers and crew. In the cockpit of the aircraft were three crew members: pilot, copilot and flight engineer. Bganot time inform them of the capture of the plane, and they were able to jump and run, when the plane was on the concrete th e area in front of the hangar. Nirya Bganot was the senior officer among the remaining members of the crew on board and took over command of the aircraft.
The terrorists who seized the plane were members of the Abu Nidal terrorist organization, receives support from the Libyan authorities. First they shot the passengers, calling the Americans. Then the terrorists ordered Nire Bganot collect passports of all passengers to identify among them US citizens. Bganot and her subordinates hid 19 US passport.
17 hours later, the terrorists started to shoot and blow up the charges.Nirya Bganot opened the emergency exit and helped many passengers to leave the plane and escape. Killed by closing a three children from the bullets.

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