Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Rare historical photographs that you have not seen

Rare historical photographs that you have not seenAMAZING FACTS
Today, photography has become an integral part of modern life. A so-called self firmly and seems to have entered a long time each weekday.
The camera is the same as usual attribute of our lives, such as the clock.But today few people are surprised interesting and unusual photo.
What can be said about the old photos, which depicted the story itself.There are some pictures from which simply breathtaking, they make us freeze in surprise.
Sometimes, rare footage, taken by photographer randomly, are of great value, since they archived unique moments in the history of mankind. With these images, we begin to appreciate the technology and progress.
A special collection of rare photographs, no doubt, will appeal to lovers of history and rarity.
Some of these images are so amazing that they are able to excite your mind, even if you are not a fan of history.

Lion MGM

1. Lion screensaver MGM (1929)
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Remember the famous roaring lion on the splash screen of old movies? In this picture the same animal filmed operator in 1929 for the opening sequence, which later became a cult classic.

Hitler's Bunker (photo)

2. Hitler's Bunker (1945)
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It is believed that this first photograph, taken in the underground bunker of Adolf Hitler immediately after his death.
This fact makes shudder, because the picture was captured, indeed, an important historical moment and, really, a place of worship of one of the most famous tyrants in history.

Construction of the Eiffel Tower

3. Construction of the Eiffel Tower (1888)
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The Eiffel Tower has become one of the most famous buildings in the world. Today it is hard to imagine Paris without this symbol of modern France.
The photograph captures the process of construction of the tower. In the photo is visible to only half of the famous tower, which will soon become a legend.

Hoover Dam

4. Hoover Dam without water (1936)
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In this rare photograph depicts the famous Hoover Dam is still without water.

Mount Rushmore

5. carving Mount Rushmore (1932)
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Mount Rushmore in South Dakota is known for being in her rock embedded huge bas-relief portraits of the four US presidents, ruling in different times.
In this image, sculpted head of the first president, George Washington, the extent of that hit. On its background builders look just tiny.

The construction of the Statue of Liberty

6. Construction of the Statue of Liberty (1884)
Surprisingly, this photograph shows the process of designing the famous Statue of Liberty in Paris. It is known that the statue is then transported to America, where she became a true symbol of the New World.
7. The Beatles Abbey Road (1969)
No, this is not the famous photo on the cover of one of the Beatles albums. The picture shows the band a cult band crossing the street Abbey Road's famous pedestrian crossing, but in the other direction.
In 2012, this rare preserved with the photo shoot the picture was sold at auction for $ 25,000.

Photos of Titanic passengers

8. rescue of passengers aboard the Titanic transplanted to the Carpathians (1912)
The fateful day in April 1912, when the Titanic went down, not all the passengers were killed. In this photo you can see the few survivors fleeing on board the ship Carpathia.

Iceberg sank the Titanic

9. iceberg that sank the Titanic (1912)
In this picture the same iceberg, decided the fate of the famous ship. It seems that the dent in a huge block of ice - this is the next collision with the infamous Titanic.
10. Family photo, left on the Moon (1972)
This family photo was left on the moon American astronaut Charles Duke (Charles Duke) in 1972. To save a snapshot of sealed special protective film.

First Photo from space

11. First Photo Outer Space (1946)
How could take pictures of the Earth from space, long before she was launched the space program?
The story goes that the soldiers camera attached to the rocket before it was launched into space back in 1946, many years before the first man went into space.
12. Team Google (1999)
Nobody even thought that this relatively modest team at Google headquarters change the world by creating a revolution in information technology and in the use of the World Wide Web.
13. Opening of Disney Land (1955)
Disneyland is undoubtedly one of the main attractions in the American tourism. This photograph shows a crowd of people on the opening day of this place, which has become a cult for millions of children around the world.

Construction of the Golden Gate

14. Bridge "Golden Gate" in the process of construction (1937)
Who would have thought that this amazing bridge will be declared one of the wonders of the modern world? This picture holds one of the most important moments in the history - the Golden Gate during the construction period

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