Thursday, November 5, 2015

Collection of common misconceptions about animals

Collection of common misconceptions about animalsECOLOGY
How smart are animals living next to us? How many fish can live without water? Do animals know how to sing serenades his beloved? Answers to these questions are obvious at times, but it turns out we still know very little about our smaller brothers.

Animal Intelligence

Myth №1: Domestic sheep - a stupid
On sheep are often spoken of as a fairly primitive and stupid animal. Perhaps this confusion came from the fact that in the pack, if one sheep quickly starts to run, the rest of the flock will follow its example.
Hence, the notion of "herd effect". It is believed that in this case no individual animal instincts or motivation. However, everything is much simpler: Stick together to survive easier.
Intelligence sheep often underestimated

On the other hand, researchers have put animals separately from sheep pigs, rodents and monkeys. In some tests, sheep show surprising results. Recent studies have shown that in animals in sheep has average intelligence.

They can quickly memorize information, quickly adapt to changing circumstances, create in your mind maps and even can plan and anticipate.

Myth №2: Domestic pig - stupid animals
It can be assumed that animals that spend all the time, wallowing in his own manure, can not be smart. However, this does not sound strange, pigs have incredible intellect. For example, they may respond to his name in a week after birth.
The researchers conducted an experiment and test the possibility of pigs in video games. It was found that the animals showed the best results in the games on the recognition and manipulation of objects than small children who are just starting to walk.

If one pig to notice what others are doing hiding place for stocks, the first to follow her and attempt to steal the hiddentreat. The second pig will defend his treasure, but if it sees that a thief bigger and stronger, will act cunning, taking him from the real hiding place and leading to false. In pigs have found the ability to understand that they can think or wish for other animals. Previously, such powers noticed only in chimpanzees and dogs.

Myth №3: Dogs are much smarter than we think
We all know that dogs are very clever creation, but they are much smarter than we can imagine. The researchers set up an experiment involving young children, chimpanzees and dogs that were supposed to guess which of the inverted bucket has shown them in advance the subject.

The experimenter pointed to the correct bucket with gestures and facial expressions. Children and chimpanzees could hardly guess the right answer, but after some time, through trial and error is well remembered a person's actions. The dog did not need time to understand what was expected of them, they instantly understood the sign language of man.

Myth №4: Goldfish can not live long without water
Aquarium fish - wonderful pets. They do not require special attention, do not ask to play with them, and feeding process takes only a few seconds. One of the most popular fish is a goldfish kind of carp. However, many believe that these fish are very delicate and helpless.

Goldfish are actually demonstrate the unique survival skills. For example, a fish has lived without water 13 hours, jumping out of the aquarium and the other managed to survive without water after spending 7 hours on the stone floor.

When the goldfish is in an environment with low oxygen levels, it slows down the activity of the body, as do bears hibernating in winter. When the fish back into the water, their body again begins to accelerate the reaction, and they begin to live the usual life, without batting an eye.

Men milk

Myth №5: Male animals can not give milk
Many nursing mothers thought about how it would be nice to sit their husbands could breastfeed. However, we all know that men do not have such capabilities. It is interesting that nature sometimes surprises. For example, somegoats can actually grow a udder and feed their babies.
A farmer from the city of Al Ain, UAE, accidentally discovered the ability to give milk a goat. The goat is capable of producing 0.5 liters of excellent goat's milk per day

Products made of dog hair

Myth №6: From dog hair can not sew clothes
We used to think that clothes can be made ​​from the wool of domestic animals like sheep, goats, camels, rabbits and so on. However, it turns out, sometimes borrow from the wool of dogs, of course, the long-haired. Some owners specifically collect wool from their pets, vychesyvaya it, and then make here are original knitwear:

Myth №7: Crocodiles are very slow and scaled
Many believe that the crocodile's body is covered with scales and that these reptiles are very slow predators that can kill their prey only when it is very close. However, both of these statements are not exactly correct.
Admire a crocodile in his home environment can be the only way

Firstly, crocodiles no scales. Their skin has special properties and crack with age. Secondly, crocodiles can move pretty quickly on land and develop a speed of 16 kilometers per hour.

Scary Crocodiles

Crocodiles are considered top predators in their environment, as other large animals that live near them, herbivores such as buffalo and wild boar. But what would happen if it turned out to be close to a crocodile some other predator? It turns out that the bloodthirsty crocodiles salt water can swallow even a shark!
Voracious crocodiles did not disdain even the sharks

... And elephants

But to the behemoths better not stick

Myth №8: Pets are indifferent to the death of relatives
Of course, the animals understand what death is: They know that in order to survive, must protect themselves and theiroffspring. Predators kill to survive, using a variety of methods of killing prey. Some even arrange your family something like a funeral.
In baboons, for example, increased levels of stress hormones when they learn of the death of a loved one, as well as in humans. Red foxes, as noted by scientists, burying their dead companion.

Elephants often guard their dead relatives, even if they have no direct family ties. If scrub jay notices a dead bird of its kind, it explores the body and call other jays that they, too, learned the news.

Pets romance

Myth №9: Animals can not be romantic
Many believe that, with regard to relations between the sexes, the animals can not be romantic and creative abilities.However, it is not. For example, rabbits and mice that breed in large quantities, can be a real poet. They compose and sing odes to love their partners during mating rituals.

Myth №10: Camels must constantly sweating
All who live in the hot desert must go wet all the time, so how much sweat. When daytime temperatures rising to 40 degrees in the shade, sweat will pour hail, but not camels!

Most of the animals regulate their body temperature if it becomes too hot, using a pot that allows to cool a little.However, camels body temperature and so quite high - 40 degrees. These organisms are used to heat the desert, sweat they are released, thus valuable moisture remains in the body.

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