Dozens of tribes from around the world have managed to survive in the modern world, although their existence is constantly in danger.
British photographer Jimmy Nelson (Jimmy Nelson) tried to capture them for what they are now, visiting more than 30 indigenous peoples from around the world from 2009 to 2012.
Nelson created a series of photographs entitled "As long as they have notdisappeared" (Before They Pass Away), becoming acquainted with each tribe, since Tsaatan peoples in northern Mongolia to the Maasai in Keniii, and tried to understand their lives and traditions.
Before you get in touch with the tribes, he left the chamber, and after talking with them for a few days, ask if they can take pictures. To communicate with the tribes, the photographer sought the help of interpreters. He said that respect for peoples, helped him to gain their trust.
Nenets people, Siberia
Nenets in Siberia - one of the small peoples of Russia are engaged in hunting and keep deer as deer are their main source of food.
They moved on the Yamal Peninsula, living in harsh conditions at a temperature of -50 degrees Celsius in winter. Every year they are more than 1000 kilometers, crossing the frozen waters of the Ob River.
Melanesians, Pacific Islands
Melanesians - group of people who live in parts of the Pacific Islands. Settlements islands of Vanuatu have appeared around 500 BC, and Melanesians from Papua New Guinea were the first to get settled.
Now residents of inhabited islands in their own language, customs and traditions. Dances are an important part of theculture, and in many villages have land set aside for dancing, called "Nazar". One of the important events - Festival Current on the island of Tanna, who is a symbol of friendship between the tribes.
Mongolian tribes
The Kazakhs of Mongolia
Nelson said that the visit of the peoples living in extremely cold environments, such as these three Kazakhs, was "very impressive experience as they survive on the edge of the planet."
Kazakhs - the descendants of Turkic, Mongolian and Indo-Iranian tribes and the Huns, who inhabited the territory between Siberia and the Black Sea. This semi-nomadic peoples who roamed with their flocks through the mountains and valleys of the western part of Mongolia from the 19th century.
Residents of the area of Mustang in Nepal are traditionally herders.
Tsaatan - reindeer herders who inhabit remote areas of the subarctic taiga, roaming about 5-10 times a year. The existence of 44 families is under threat of extinction due to the declining number of domestic reindeer.
Life tribes
Huli tribe, Papua New Guinea
It is believed that the first inhabitants of Papua New Guinea have migrated to the island more than 45 000 years ago.Currently, about 3 million people, half of them - a diverse population lives in mountainous areas. Some of these communities for thousands of years are in conflict with the tribes.
The tribes fighting over land, women and pigs. The largest tribe - fuck that they paint their faces yellow, red and white color is known for its tradition of creating colorful wigs from their own hair. Their warlike complement ax with a claw.
Maori, New Zealand
A long and interesting history of the indigenous Maori people can be traced to the 13th century, where they lived in their homeland Gavaiki in East Polynesia.
Due to long isolation from the others for millennia, they have formed their own society with its characteristic culture, a separate language and unique mythology. Traditional Maori culture include art, dance, legends, tattooing andcommunities.
Although the arrival of European colonizers in the 18th century had a profound impact on the life of Maori, many aspects of traditional society have survived to the 21st century.
Tribe Yali, Indonesia
Yali people inhabit the region between the mountains in the province of Papua in Indonesia. The name of the indigenous people, "Yali" is translated as "lords of the earth." They live in the virgin forests of the highlands. Yali considered pygmies, and the growth of all men reaches 150 cm. Papuan tribes differing appearance and language, lead a similar lifestyle.
They're all polygamists and conduct rites with the mutual exchange of gifts. Traditional garment - koteka being the case for the penis, distinguished tribes.
Tribes Africa
Samburu, Kenya
Samburu people live in northern Kenya, where the foothills of Mount Kenya merges with the northern desert. This Nilotic people who grows cattle, reached Kenya, about 500 years ago, moving south along the valleys of the Great Rift Valley.
Samburu roam every 5-6 weeks to ensure that cattle food. It is an independent and egalitarian people, which is more traditional than the famous Maasai. The older members of the tribe have a monopoly and manage to conclude barks, so they can have many wives.
Himba, Namibia
Himba - an ancient tribe of tall, slender and graceful shepherds living in the northern part of Namibia and Angola. This semi-nomadic people who cover themselves with a paste made of ocher and fat called otjize, giving them a reddish hue.
From the 16th century they lived in scattered settlements, leading a lifestyle that has not changed, survived the war and drought.
The tribal structure has helped them to survive in one of the most extreme environments on earth. Every member of the tribe belongs to two clans of the maternal and paternal lines. Marriage is organized in such a way to increase wealth.Appearance is very important because it indicates the place a tribe member in the group and in life. The head, the grandfather often responsible for the rules of the tribe.
Maasai tribe, Kenya
Masai - one of the last great warlike peoples. When the Maasai profit from Sudan in the 15th century, they attacked the tribes that met on the way, and raided cattle. By the end of his campaign, they won almost all the land of the Great Rift Valley.
Historically lifestyle Maasai depended on the cattle that followed the rains on the vast land in search of food and water.
Now it is often possible to meet the Maasai in the cities, selling goats and cows, as well as jewelry, mobile phones and coal. Both men and women are circumcised. Practiced polygamy, but sometimes polyandry, where a woman marries several men the same age group.
Now there are about 5.5 million Tibetans. The archaeological and geological discoveries indicate that Tibetans are descendants of nomadic Qiang. Tibet's history begins about 4,000 years ago.
Prayer flags, celestial burial, devilish dance festival, traps for the souls that are associated with Tibetan culture, descended from the ancient shamanistic Bon religion. Costumes and patterns not only speak of habits, but also about the history, views, climate and character of the people.
The people of India
Darda, India and Pakistan
Around 2500 Darden, also known as drokpa live in three small villages in the area between India and Pakistan on the fertile lands of Ladakh. Darda are completely different, both physically and culturally from the Tibeto-Burmese residents of the region of Ladakh.
For thousands of years people have practiced Darda exchange of wives, and public kissing. Their cultural prosperity is reflected in the fine clothes and designs. The main source of income - manicured gardens.
Ladakh, India
Ladakh, which translates as "the country passes" - a cold desert in the northern Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir. It is divided into the Muslim area of Kargil and Leh mainly Buddhist area. The people of Ladakh is rich in folklore, which have their roots in the pre Buddhist era.
As the growing season in the Himalayas short Ladakhi work only 4 months a year. During the remaining 8 months remains the minimum amount of work and a great place is given to festivals and holidays.
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