Men who are looking for a fleeting sexual relations tend to ensure that overestimate the desire that women experience them, the American researchers. Psychologists Karin Perrilouks from Williams College, Massachusetts, as well as Judith Easton and David Buss of the University of Texas at Austin have organized a study which has been drawn 96 boys and 103 girls from the students. Participants were asked to undergo a special exercise in "speed dating" - three minutes to choose five potential partners of the opposite sex.
Before proceeding to step conversation, participants in the experiment independently of each other by shared interests and estimate the extent of their commitment to fleeting sexual encounters. After each private meeting with the representative / representative of the opposite sex, all study participants were evaluated its regular companion on a scale, which included physical attractiveness and perceived degree of man's own sex appeal in her / his eyes. The proposed model allows psychologists to test the participants in multiple interactions with each other.
The results of this study, published shortly in some well-known scientific journals have shown that men who are looking for a quick and no non-binding sex, really overestimate the desire that women experience in relation to them. For example, men who felt a strong desire towards certain girl, noted that, in their opinion, the girl is also very keen to each of them. It is noteworthy that the men who were indeed marked by many women as attractive, such errors in the assessment of women's desires are not allowed.
At the same time, each man must bear in mind that its internal sense of how much interested in it or that the woman can be greatly exaggerated. Well, it seems that American scientists have once again made people realize how different from each other female and male psychology.
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