We all think about what will happen after death. When a loved one dies a man, we yearn for it and hope to see you when it's our turn. Will there be a glorious reunion with those whom we love, or death brings an end to our self-awareness?
Jesus taught that life does not end after the physical death. He made a remarkable statement: "I am the resurrection and the life. Those who believe in me, even after death will live again. "According to the closest witnesses Jesus showed his power over death, resurrected after 3 days after his crucifixion and burial. It is this belief in the resurrection gives hope to Christians for nearly 2000 years.
But some hope for life after death. The atheist philosopher Bertrand Russell wrote - "I believe that after the death of my body will rot, and from my" I "there is nothing left". [1] It is clear that Russell did not believe the words of Jesus Christ.
Disciples of Christ wrote that he appeared to them alive after his crucifixion and burial. They argue that not only saw him, but also shared a meal with him, touched him, and held together with him for 40 days.
Could it be just a story, which eventually overgrown fiction, or is it based on credible evidence? The answer to this question depends on the strength of the foundations of Christianity. If Jesus Christ is truly risen, it podverzhdaet all what he said about himself, about the meaning of life and that we are destined to death.
If Jesus Christ is truly risen, he alone can know the answer to questions about the purpose of life and what awaits us after death. On the other hand, if the story of the resurrection of Jesus Christ was invented, then Christianity is built on lies. Theologian R. C. Sproul says:
"Adoption of the resurrection of Christ is vital to Christianity. If Jesus Christ was resurrected by God, then He has such power and such "credentials," which no one other religious leader. Buddha is dead. Mohammed is dead. Moses is dead. Confucius is dead. But according to ... Christianity, Christ is alive ". [2]
Many skeptics have tried to disprove the resurrection. Josh McDowell was one of those skeptics. He spent more than 700 hours on the examination of the evidence of the resurrection. The importance of the resurrection McDowell stated the following:
"I came to the conclusion that the resurrection of Jesus Christ is one of the most malicious, harmful and heartless deception imposed humanity, or the most fantastic fact in its history". [3]
So, what is the resurrection of Jesus Christ - a fantastic fact or harmful myth? To find out, we need to look at the historical evidence and draw their own conclusions. Let's see, they found and what conclusions were skeptics who investigated the question of the resurrection.
Cynics and skeptics
But not everyone is ready to consider the evidence impartially. Bertrand Russell admits that in his opinion about Jesus Christ, he "does not take into account the" historical facts. [4] The historian Joseph Campbell, without giving any arguments, said calmly audience channel PBS, that the resurrection of Christ is not a real event. [5] Other scholars like John Dominic Crossan of the group "Jesus Seminar", agree with him. [6] And none of these skeptics do not provide any evidence to support his point of view.
These skeptics, unlike cynics are interested in providing evidence. In an editorial in the magazine Skeptic, entitled "Who is a skeptic?" The following definition: "Skepticism is ... the use of reasonable arguments to any and all issues - including a" sacred cows. "In other words ... skeptics are starting to study the issue before dismissing the possibility that the phenomenon under study can be a real event, or that the statement was true. When we say we are "skeptical," we mean that we need strong evidence to believe ". [7]
Unlike Russell and Crossan, many true skeptics to examine the evidence of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. In this article, we will give the word to some of them and see how they analyzed the evidence, perhaps, the most important question in the history of mankind: Is Christ rose from the dead?
Prophecy about yourself
Before his death, Jesus told his disciples to be betrayed, arrested and crucified, and he would rise again in three days after death. Strange plan! What was behind this plan? Christ was not going to entertain on demand; on the contrary, he promised that his death and resurrection prove to people (if their minds and hearts are open), that he really was the Messiah.
Bible scholar Wilbur Smith makes a remark about Jesus Christ:
"When he said that He would rise from the dead on the third day after His crucifixion, He said something that could venture to say only a fool, hoping that someone from the students still continue to follow him, or - one who was confident that he will rise. None of the founders of any religion in the world known to mankind, did not dare to say anything like that ". [8]
In other words, because Christ clearly told his disciples that he would rise, the failure of this promise once would open his deception. But we are getting ahead of ourselves. How Jesus died before he was resurrected (if he was resurrected)?
Did Christ rose from the dead?
Horrible death, then. . . ?
You know, what were the last hours of Jesus' earthly life of Christ, if watching a movie, put Mel Gibson. If you missed some shots of the film "The Passion of Christ" (The Passion of the Christ) because they closed their eyes (it would be easier to make this film, using a red filter on the camera), you can take a look at the last page of any of the Gospel, to know, what happened.
As foretold Christ, he was betrayed by one of his disciples - Judas Iscariot - and arrested. Mock trial of the Roman procurator Pontius Pilate condemned him for treason and sentenced to be crucified on a wooden cross. Up to the crucifixion of Jesus was brutally beaten with a whip-nine tails, which were woven pieces of bone and metal that tore the flesh on impact. He was beaten with fists, feet, and spit.
Then the Roman executioners nailed with heavy iron nails hands and feet of Jesus to the cross. And finally, put a cross between two other crosses, which were crucified criminals.
Jesus hung so about six hours. Then, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, that is exactly at the same time bring a lamb as a sacrifice for the sins of the Jewish Passover (somewhat symbolic, is not it?) Jesus said, "It is finished" (in Aramaic) and died. Suddenly, the sky darkened, and there was an earthquake. [9]
Pilate asked for confirmation that Jesus was really dead before allowing his crucified body to bury. Therefore, the Roman soldier pierced Jesus with a spear ribs. Blood and water flowed from the wound, which confirmed that Jesus was dead. Jesus' body was removed from the cross and buried in the tomb of Joseph of Arimathea. Then the Roman soldiers guarding the tomb and closed her round the clock.
Meanwhile, the disciples were shocked. Professor J. P. Morland explains how they were depressed and confused the death of Christ on the cross. "They were no longer sure that Jesus was sent by God. They are also taught that God will not allow the martyrdom of their Messiah. And they went in different directions. The movement of the teachings of Christ has almost stopped ". [10]
All hopes were lost. Rome and the Jewish high priests seemed to have the upper hand.
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